Personal Finance for Women
Balancing Act
Wealth Management
Straight Talk
For Women
By Joslyn G. Ewart, CFP
About the Author
Joslyn Ewart
Joslyn G. Ewart is Founding Principal of Entrust Financial LLC®. Her deepest passion is to help others make the right choices at pivotal times in their lives, thereby easing financial concerns. This passion led her to found Entrust in 2000 and inspired her to write Balancing Act: Wealth Management Straight Talk for Women.
This book tells the story of many women as they aim to manage their wealth, protect their style of living, and leave fear behind. And the “How To’s” presented herein may help you face the complicated task of making the right financial choices within the context of your whole style of living.
100% of the book profits will be donated to a scholarship fun at Temple University.